Thursday, 11 December 2014

Accessing, cleaning and plotting NOAA Temperature Data

In my previous post I said that my students are using data from NOAA for their research.
NOAA in fact provides daily averages of several environmental parameters for thousands of weather stations scattered across the globe, completely free.
In details, NOAA provides the following data:
  • Mean temperature for the day in degrees Fahrenheit to tenths
  • Mean dew point for the day in degrees Fahrenheit to tenths
  • Mean sea level pressure for the day in millibars to tenths
  • Mean station pressure for the day in millibars to tenths
  • Mean visibility for the day in miles to tenths
  • Mean wind speed for the day in knots to tenths
  • Maximum sustained wind speed reported for the day in knots to tenths
  • Maximum wind gust reported for the day in knots to tenths
  • Maximum temperature reported during the day in Fahrenheit to tenths
  • Minimum temperature reported during the day in Fahrenheit to tenths
  • Total precipitation (rain and/or melted snow) reported during the day in inches and hundredths
  • Snow depth in inches to tenths

A description of the dataset can be found here: GSOD_DESC.txt
All these data are available from 1929 to 2014.

The problem with these data is that they require some processing before they can be used for any sort of computation.
For example, the stations ID and coordinates are available in a text file external to the data file, so each data file needs to be cross referenced to this text file to extract the coordinates of the weather station.
Moreover, the data files are supplied as either one single .tar file or as a series of .gz files, that if extract give a series of .op textual files, which can then be opened in R.
All these steps would require some sort of processing before they can be used in R. For example one could download the data file and extract them with 7zip.

In this blog post I would provide a way of downloading the NOAA data, cleaning them (meaning define outliers and extract the coordinates for each location), and then plot them to observe their location and spatial pattern.

The first thing we need to do is loading the necessary packages:


Then I can define my working directory:


At this point I can download and read the coordinates file from this address: isd-history.txt

The only way of reading it is by using the function read.fwt, which is used to read "fixed width tables" in R.
Typical entries of this table are provided as examples below:

024160 99999 NO DATA NO DATA
024284 99999 MORA SW +60.958 +014.511 +0193.2 20050116 20140330
024530 99999 GAVLE/SANDVIKEN AIR FORCE BAS SW +60.717 +017.167 +0016.0 20050101 20140403

Here the columns are named as follow:
  • USAF = Air Force station ID. May contain a letter in the first position
  • WBAN = NCDC WBAN number
  • CTRY = FIPS country ID
  • ST = State for US stations
  • LAT = Latitude in thousandths of decimal degrees
  • LON = Longitude in thousandths of decimal degrees
  • ELEV = Elevation in meters
  • BEGIN = Beginning Period Of Record (YYYYMMDD)
  • END = Ending Period Of Record (YYYYMMDD)

As you can see, the length of each line is identical but its content varies substantially from one line to the other. Therefore there is no way of reading this file with the read.table function.
However, in read.fwt we can define the length of each column in the dataset so that we can create a data.frame out of it.
I used the following widths:
  • 6 - USAF
  • 1 - White space
  • 5 - WBAN
  • 1 - White space
  • 38 - CTRY and ST
  • 7 - LAT
  • 1 - White space
  • 7 - LON
  • 9 - White space, plus Elevation, plus another White space
  • 8 - BEGIN
  • 1 - White space
  • 8 - END

After this step I created a data.frame with just USAF, WBAN, LAT and LON.
The two lines of code for achieving all this are presented below:

coords.fwt <- read.fwf("",widths=c(6,1,5,1,38,7,1,8,9,8,1,8),sep=";",skip=21,fill=T)<br />
coords <- data.frame(ID=paste(as.factor(coords.fwt[,1])),WBAN=paste(as.factor(coords.fwt[,3])),Lat=as.numeric(paste(coords.fwt$V6)),Lon=as.numeric(paste(coords.fwt$V8)))

As you can see, I can work directly using the data link, there is actually no need to have this file local.

After this step I can download the data files for a particular year and extract them. I can use the function download.file from XML to download the .tar file, then the function untar to extract its contents.
The code for doing so is the following:

#Download Measurements
year = 2013

#Extract Measurements

I created a variable year so that I can change the year I want to investigate and the script will work in the same way.
I also included a call to dir.create to create a new folder to store the 12'511 data files included in the .tar file.
At this point I created a loop to iterate through the file names.

#Create Data Frame
files <- list.files(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Files/",sep=""))

classes <- c(rep("factor",3),rep("numeric",14),rep("factor",3),rep("numeric",2))

t0 <- Sys.time()
station <- data.frame(Lat=numeric(),Lon=numeric(),TempC=numeric())
for(i in 1:length(files)){

data <- read.table(gzfile(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Files/",files[i],sep=""),open="rt"),sep="",header=F,skip=1,colClasses=classes)
coords.sub <- coords[paste(coords$ID)==paste(unique(data$V1)),]

  ST1 <- data.frame(TempC=(data$V4-32)/1.8,Tcount=data$V5)
  ST2 <- ST1[ST1$Tcount>12,]
  ST3 <- data.frame(Lat=coords.sub$Lat,Lon=coords.sub$Lon,TempC=round(mean(ST2$TempC,na.rm=T),2))
  station[i,] <- ST3
} else {
coords.sub <- coords[paste(coords$WBAN)==paste(unique(data$V2)),]

  ST1 <- data.frame(TempC=(data$V4-32)/1.8,Tcount=data$V5)
  ST2 <- ST1[ST1$Tcount>12,]
  ST3 <- data.frame(Lat=coords.sub$Lat,Lon=coords.sub$Lon,TempC=round(mean(ST2$TempC,na.rm=T),2))
  station[i,] <- ST3

t1 <- Sys.time()

I also included a time indication so that I could check the total time required for executing the loop, which is around 8 minutes.

Now let's look at the loop a bit more in details. I start it by opening the data file from the file.list named files using the function read.table coupled with the function gzip. This function can read the content of the .gz file as text so that it can be read as a table.
Then I set up an if statement because in some cases the station can be identified by the USAF value, in other cases USAF is equal to 999999 and therefore it needs to be identified by its WBAN value.
Inside this statement I put another if statement to exclude values without coordinates or with less than 6 months of data.
Then I also included another quality check, because after each measurements NOAA provides also the number of observation used to calculate each daily average. So I used this information to exclude the daily averages computed from less than 12 hours.
In this case I was only interested in Temperature data, so all my data.frames extracted only that property from the data files (and converted it to Celsius). However, it would be fairly easy to focus on different environmental data.
The loop fills the empty data.frame named station I create just before starting the loop.
At this point I can exclude the NAs from the data.frame, use the package sp to assign coordinates and plot them on top of country polygons: <- na.omit(station)

polygons <- shapefile(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Polygons/","TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp",sep=""))


The results is the plot is presented below:

The nice thing about this script is that I just need to chance the variable called year at the beginning of the script to change the year of the investigation. 
For example, let's say we want to look at how many stations meet the criteria I set here in 1940. I can just change the year to 1940, run the script and wait for the results. In this case the waiting is not long, because at that time there were only few stations in USA, see below:

However, if we skip forward 10 years to 1950, the pictures changes. 

The second world war was just over and now we have weather stations all across countries that were highly involved in it. We have several stations in UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, Turkey, Palestine, Iran and Iraq.
A similar pattern can be seen if we take a look at the dataset available in 1960:

Here the striking addition are the numerous stations in Vietnam and surroundings. It is probably easy to understand the reason.

Sometimes we forget that our work can be used for good, but it can also be very useful in bad times!!

Here is the complete code to reproduce this experiment:


setwd("D:/Wind Speed Co-Kriging - IPA Project")

#Extract Coordinates for each Station
coords.fwt <- read.fwf("",widths=c(6,1,5,1,38,7,1,8,9,8,1,8),sep=";",skip=21,fill=T)
coords <- data.frame(ID=paste(as.factor(coords.fwt[,1])),WBAN=paste(as.factor(coords.fwt[,3])),Lat=as.numeric(paste(coords.fwt$V6)),Lon=as.numeric(paste(coords.fwt$V8)))

#Download Measurements
year = 2013
#Extract Measurements

#Create Data Frame
files <- list.files(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Files/",sep=""))

classes <- c(rep("factor",3),rep("numeric",14),rep("factor",3),rep("numeric",2))

t0 <- Sys.time()
station <- data.frame(Lat=numeric(),Lon=numeric(),TempC=numeric())
for(i in 1:length(files)){

data <- read.table(gzfile(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Files/",files[i],sep=""),open="rt"),sep="",header=F,skip=1,colClasses=classes)
coords.sub <- coords[paste(coords$ID)==paste(unique(data$V1)),]

  ST1 <- data.frame(TempC=(data$V4-32)/1.8,Tcount=data$V5)
  ST2 <- ST1[ST1$Tcount>12,]
  ST3 <- data.frame(Lat=coords.sub$Lat,Lon=coords.sub$Lon,TempC=round(mean(ST2$TempC,na.rm=T),2))
  station[i,] <- ST3
} else {
coords.sub <- coords[paste(coords$WBAN)==paste(unique(data$V2)),]

  ST1 <- data.frame(TempC=(data$V4-32)/1.8,Tcount=data$V5)
  ST2 <- ST1[ST1$Tcount>12,]
  ST3 <- data.frame(Lat=coords.sub$Lat,Lon=coords.sub$Lon,TempC=round(mean(ST2$TempC,na.rm=T),2))
  station[i,] <- ST3

t1 <- Sys.time()
t1-t0 <- na.omit(station)

polygons <- shapefile(paste(getwd(),"/Data/Polygons/","TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp",sep=""))

plot(polygons,main=paste("NOAA Database ",year,sep=""))

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

World Point Grid

These days I am following a couple of master projects dealing with renewable energy potentials at the global scale. We wanted to try and compute these potential using only free data and see how far we could go.
For wind speed there are plenty of resources freely available on the web. In particular my students downloaded the daily averages from NOAA:

One of the problem they encountered was that obviously these data are available for discrete locations, where meteorological stations are located, and if we want to create a map out of them we need to use some form of estimation. The time was limited so we opted for one of the simplest out there, i.e. kriging. Using other form of estimations optimized for wind, like dispersion or other physical modelling would have been almost impossible to pull off at the global scale. These models need too much time, we are talking about month of computations for estimating wind speed in one single country.
Anyway, ETH is an ESRI development centre and therefore the students normally do their work in ArcGIS, this project was no exception. For this reason we used Geostatistical Analyst in ArcGIS for the interpolation. The process was fast considering that we were dealing with a global scale interpolation; even when we used two covariates and we tested co-kriging the entire process was completed in less that 10 minutes, more or less.
The problem is that the output of Geostatistical Analyst is a sort of contours raster, which cannot be directly used to export its value onto a point grid. In this project we were planning to work on a 1Km scale, meaning that we would have need a mean wind speed value for each point on a 1Km grid. In theory this can be done directly from ArcGIS, you can use the function "Create Fishnet" to create the point grid and then the prediction function in Geostatistical Analyst to estimate an interpolated value for each point in the grid. I said in theory because in practice creating a point grid for the whole world is almost impossible with standard PCs. In our students labs we have 4Gb of RAM in each PC and with that there is no way to do the create the grid. We also tried a sort of "raw parallellization", meaning that we used 10 PCs to create one small parts of the grid, then extract just the part that overlay with land (and exclude oceans). Even with this process (which is by no means practical, elegant or fast) we were unable to finish the process. Even 1/10 of the world grid is enough to fill 4Gb of RAM.
In the end we decided to work on a 10Km scale because we simply did not have time to try alternative routes. However, the whole thing make me think about possible ways of creating a point grid for the whole World in R. We could use the function spsample to create point grids using polygon shapefiles, but unless you have a ton of RAM there is no way of doing it in one go. So I thought about iterating through the country polygons, create small grid and export their coordinates in an external txt. Even this process did not work, as soon as the loop reached Argentina the process filled the 8Gb of RAM of my PC and it stopped.
The solution was the use of even smaller scale polygons. I downloaded the Natural Earth 1:10m cultural dataset with States and Provinces and iterated through that. The process takes quite a long time, using one CPU, but it can probably be parallelized. The final dimension of the file with just two columns with the coordinates is 4.8Gb. This can be used directly by loading it as an ff data.frame (read.table.ffdf) or by loading only small chucks of it in an iterative fashion once you need to use it for estimations.
The R script I created takes care of the whole process. It downloads the dataset from Natural Earth, excludes Antartica, which is too big, run the loop and saves a TXT file in the working directory.

This is my code, I hope it can help you somehow:





polygons <- shapefile(list.files(pattern=".shp"))
polygons <- polygons[! paste(polygons$name) %in% paste("Antarctica"),]


 grids <- try(spsample(polygons[i,],cellsize=0.01,type="regular"))

 if(inherits(grids, "try-error"))
      i = i+1
    } else {

 write.table(,"Grid_1Km.txt",sep=" ",row.names=F,col.names=F,append=T)
 i=i+1 }
} else { i = i+1 }


grid <- read.table.ffdf(file="Grid_1Km.txt",nrows=1000,sep=",")