Thursday, 28 May 2015

Live Earthquake Map with Shiny and Google Map API

In the post Exchange data between R and the Google Maps API using Shiny I presented a very simple way to allow communication between R and javascript using Shiny.

This is an example of a practical approach for which the same system can be used. Here I created a tool to visualize seismic events, collected from USGS, in the Google Maps API using R to do some basic data preparation. The procedure to complete this experiment is pretty much identical to what I presented in the post mentioned above, so I will not repeated here.

The final map looks like this:

and it is accessible from this site, hosted on the Amazon Cloud: Earthquake

The colours of the markers depends on magnitude and they are set in R. For magnitudes below 2 the marker is green, between 2 and 4 is yellow, between 4 and 6 is orange and above 6 is red.
I also set R to export other information about the event to the json file that I then use to populate the infowindow of each marker.

The code for creating this map consists of two pieces, an index.html file (which needs to go in a folder names www) and the file server.r, available below:

 # server.R  
 #Title: Earthquake Visualization in Shiny  
 #Copyright: Fabio Veronesi  
 shinyServer(function(input, output) {  
 output$json <- reactive ({  
 hour <- read.table("", sep = ",", header = T)  
 lis <- list()  
 for(i in 1:nrow(hour)){  
 else if(hour$mag[i]>2&hour$mag[i]<=4){icon=""}  
 else if(hour$mag[i]>4&hour$mag[i]<=6){icon=""}  
 else {icon=""}  
 Date.hour <- substring(hour$time[i],1,10)  
 Time.hour <- substring(hour$time[i],12,23)  
 lis[[i]] <- list(i,hour$longitude[i],hour$latitude[i],icon,hour$place[i],hour$depth[i],hour$mag[i],Date.hour,Time.hour)  
 #This code creates the variable test directly in javascript for export the grid in the Google Maps API  
 #I have taken this part from:  
 else if(input$Earth==4){  
 month <- read.table("", sep = ",", header = T)  
 lis <- list()  
 for(i in 1:nrow(month)){  
 else if(month$mag[i]>2&month$mag[i]<=4){icon=""}  
 else if(month$mag[i]>4&month$mag[i]<=6){icon=""}  
 else {icon=""}  
 Date.month <- substring(month$time[i],1,10)  
 Time.month <- substring(month$time[i],12,23)  
 lis[[i]] <- list(i,month$longitude[i],month$latitude[i],icon,month$place[i],month$depth[i],month$mag[i],Date.month,Time.month)  
 #This code creates the variable test directly in javascript for export the grid in the Google Maps API  
 #I have taken this part from:  
 else if(input$Earth==3){  
 week <- read.table("", sep = ",", header = T)  
 lis <- list()  
 for(i in 1:nrow(week)){  
 else if(week$mag[i]>2&week$mag[i]<=4){icon=""}  
 else if(week$mag[i]>4&week$mag[i]<=6){icon=""}  
 else {icon=""}  
 Date.week <- substring(week$time[i],1,10)  
 Time.week <- substring(week$time[i],12,23)  
 lis[[i]] <- list(i,week$longitude[i],week$latitude[i],icon,week$place[i],week$depth[i],week$mag[i],Date.week,Time.week)  
 #This code creates the variable test directly in javascript for export the grid in the Google Maps API  
 #I have taken this part from:  
 else {  
 day <- read.table("", sep = ",", header = T)  
 lis <- list()  
 for(i in 1:nrow(day)){  
 else if(day$mag[i]>2&day$mag[i]<=4){icon=""}  
 else if(day$mag[i]>4&day$mag[i]<=6){icon=""}  
 else {icon=""} <- substring(day$time[i],1,10) <- substring(day$time[i],12,23)  
 lis[[i]] <- list(i,day$longitude[i],day$latitude[i],icon,day$place[i],day$depth[i],day$mag[i],,  
 #This code creates the variable test directly in javascript for export the grid in the Google Maps API  
 #I have taken this part from:  

 <!DOCTYPE html>  
 <title>Earthquake Visualization in Shiny</title>  
 <meta name="author" content="Fabio Veronesi">  
 <meta name="copyright" content="©Fabio Veronesi">  
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-gb">  
 <meta charset="utf-8"/>  
 <style type="text/css">  
 html { height: 100% }  
 body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }  
 map-canvas { height: 100%; width:100% }  
 .btn {  
  background: #dde6d8;  
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dde6d8, #859ead);  
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #dde6d8, #859ead);  
  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #dde6d8, #859ead);  
  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #dde6d8, #859ead);  
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #dde6d8, #859ead);  
  -webkit-border-radius: 7;  
  -moz-border-radius: 7;  
  border-radius: 7px;  
  font-family: Arial;  
  color: #000000;  
  font-size: 20px;  
  padding: 9px 20px 10px 20px;  
  text-decoration: none;  
 .btn:hover {  
  background: #f29f9f;  
  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f29f9f, #ab1111);  
  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f29f9f, #ab1111);  
  background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #f29f9f, #ab1111);  
  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f29f9f, #ab1111);  
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f29f9f, #ab1111);  
  text-decoration: none;  
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
 <script src=""></script>  
 <script type="application/shiny-singletons"></script>  
 <script type="application/html-dependencies">json2[2014.02.04];jquery[1.11.0];shiny[0.11.1];ionrangeslider[2.0.2];bootstrap[3.3.1]</script>  
 <script src="shared/json2-min.js"></script>  
 <script src="shared/jquery.min.js"></script>  
 <link href="shared/shiny.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
 <script src="shared/shiny.min.js"></script>  
 <link href="shared/ionrangeslider/css/normalize.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
 <link href="shared/ionrangeslider/css/ion.rangeSlider.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
 <link href="shared/ionrangeslider/css/ion.rangeSlider.skinShiny.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
 <script src="shared/ionrangeslider/js/ion.rangeSlider.min.js"></script>  
 <link href="shared/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
 <script src="shared/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>  
 <script src="shared/bootstrap/shim/html5shiv.min.js"></script>  
 <script src="shared/bootstrap/shim/respond.min.js"></script>  
      <script type="text/javascript">  
      var map = null;  
      var Gmarkers = [];  
      function Cities_Markers() {  
           var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: 500,maxHeight:500 });  
           //Loop to add markers to the map based on the JSON exported from R, which is within the variable test  
           for (var i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {   
                var lat = test[i][2]  
                var lng = test[i][1]  
                var marker = new google.maps.Marker({  
                     position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng),  
                     title: 'test',  
                     map: map,  
           //This sets up the infowindow  
           google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) {  
                return function() {  
                     infowindow.setContent('<div id="content"><p><b>Location</b> = '+  
                     '<b>Depth</b> = '+test[i][5]+'Km <p>'+  
                     '<b>Magnitude</b> = '+test[i][6]+ '<p>'+  
                     '<b>Date</b> = '+test[i][7]+'<p>'+  
                     '<b>Time</b> = '+test[i][8]+'</div>');  
           , marker);  
                })(marker, i));  
      //Function to remove all the markers from the map  
      function setAllMap() {  
           for (var i = 0; i < Gmarkers.length; i++) {  
      //Initialize the map  
      function initialize() {  
           var mapOptions = {  
           center: new google.maps.LatLng(31.6, 0),  
           zoom: 3,  
           mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN  
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'),mapOptions);  
 google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);  
  <div id="json" class="shiny-html-output"></div>  
  <button type="button" class="btn" id="hour" onClick="Shiny.onInputChange('Earth', 1)" style="position:absolute;top:1%;left:1%;width:100px;z-index:999">Last Hour</button>  
  <button type="button" class="btn" id="day" onClick="Shiny.onInputChange('Earth', 2)" style="position:absolute;top:1%;left:10%;width:100px;z-index:999">Last Day</button>  
  <button type="button" class="btn" id="week" onClick="Shiny.onInputChange('Earth', 3)" style="position:absolute;top:1%;left:20%;width:100px;z-index:999">Last Week</button>  
  <button type="button" class="btn" id="month" onClick="Shiny.onInputChange('Earth', 4)" style="position:absolute;top:1%;left:30%;width:100px;z-index:999">Last Month</button>  
  <div id="map-canvas" style="top:0%;right:0%;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:1"></div>  
Created with CodeFormatter

Monday, 25 May 2015

Interactive maps of Crime data in Greater London

In the previous post we looked at ways to perform some introductory point pattern analysis of open data downloaded from As you remember we subset the dataset of crimes in the Greater London area, extracting only the drug related ones. Subsequently, we looked at ways to use those data with the package spatstat and perform basic statistics.
In this post I will briefly discuss ways to create interactive plots of the results of the point pattern analysis using the Google Maps API and Leaflet from R.

Number of Crimes by Borough
In the previous post we looped through the GreaterLondonUTM shapefile to extract the area of each borough and then counted the number of crimes within its border. To show the results we used a simple barplot. Here I would like to use the same method I presented in my post Interactive Maps for the Web to plot these results on Google Maps.

This post is intended to be a continuation of the previous, so I will not present again the methods and objects we used in the previous experiment. To make this code work you can just copy and paste it below the code you created before and it should work just fine.

First of all, let's create a new object including only the names of the boroughs from the GreaterLondonUTM shapefile. We need to do this because otherwise when we will click on a polygons on the map it will show us a long list of useless data.

GreaterLondon.Google <- GreaterLondonUTM[,"name"]

The new object has only one column with the name of each borough.
Now we can create a loop to iterate through these names and calculate the intensity of the crimes:

Borough <- GreaterLondonUTM[,"name"]
for(i in unique(GreaterLondonUTM$name)){ <- Local.Intensity[Local.Intensity[,1]==i,2]
Borough[Borough$name==i,"Intensity"] <-
Borough[Borough$name==i,"Intensity.Area"] <- round([GreaterLondonUTM$name==i,]@polygons[[1]]@area/10000),4)

As you can see this loop selects one name at the time, then subset the object Local.Intensity (which we created in the previous post) to extract the number of crimes for each borough. The next line attach this intensity to the object Borough as a new column named Intensity. However, the code does not stop here. We also create another column named Intensity.Area in which we calculate the amount of crimes per unit area. Since the area from the shapefile is in square meters and the number were very high, I though about dividing it by 10'000 in order to have a unit area of 10 square km. So this column shows the amount of crime per 10 square km in each borough. This should correct the fact that certain borough have a relatively high number of crimes only because their area is larger than others.

Now we can use again the package plotGoogleMaps to create a beautiful visualization of our results and save it in HTML so that we can upload it to our website or blog.
The code for doing that is very simple and it is presented below:

plotGoogleMaps(Borough,zcol="Intensity",filename="Crimes_Boroughs.html",layerName="Number of Crimes", fillOpacity=0.4,strokeWeight=0,mapTypeId="ROADMAP")

I decided to plot the polygons on top of the roadmap and not on top of the satellite image, which is the default for the function. Thus I added the option mapTypeId="ROADMAP".
The result is the map shown below and at this link: Crimes on GoogleMaps

In the post Interactive Maps for the Web in R I received a comment from Gerardo Celis, whom I thank for it, telling me that now in R is also available the package leafletR, that allows us to create interactive maps based on Leaflet. So for this new experiment I decided to try it out!

I started from the sample of code presented here: and I adapted with very few changes to my data.
The function leaflet does not work directly with Spatial data, we first need to transform them into GeoJSON with another function in leafletR:

Borough.Leaflet <- toGeoJSON(Borough)

Extremely simple!!

Now we need to set the style to use for plotting the polygons using the function styleGrad, which is used to create a list of colors based on a particular attribute: <- styleGrad(pro="Intensity",breaks=seq(min(Borough$Intensity),max(Borough$Intensity)+15,by=20),style.val=cm.colors(10),leg="Number of Crimes", fill.alpha=0.4, lwd=0)

In this function we need to set several options:
pro = is the name of the attribute (as the column name) to use for setting the colors
breaks = this option is used to create the ranges of values for each colors. In this case, as in the example, I just created a sequence of values from the minimum to the maximum. As you can see from the code I added 15 to the maximum value. This is because the number of breaks needs to have 1 more element compared to the number of colors. For example, if we set 10 breaks we would need to set 9 colors. For this reason if the sequence of breaks ends before the maximum, the polygons with the maximum number of crimes would be presented in grey.
This is important!!

style.val = this option takes the color scale to be used to present the polygons. We can select among one of the default scales or we can create a new one with the function color.scale in the package plotrix, which I already discussed here: Downloading and Visualizing Seismic Events from USGS

leg = this is simply the title of the legend
fill.alpha = is the opacity of the colors in the map (ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 is the maximum)
lwd =  is the width of the line between polygons

After we set the style we can simply call the function leaflet to create the map:


In this function we need to input the name of the GeoJSON object we created before, the style of the map and the names of the columns to use for the popups.
The result is the map shown below and available at this link: Leaflet Map

I must say this function is very neat. First of all the function plotGoogleMaps, if you do not set the name of the HTML file, creates a series of temporary files stored in your temp folder, which is not great. Then even if you set the name of the file the legend is saved into different image files every time you call the function, which you may do many times until you are fully satisfied the result.
The package leafletR on the other hand creates a new folder inside the working directory where it stores both the GeoJSON and the HTML file, and every time you modify the visualization the function overlays the same file.
However, I noticed that I cannot see the map if I open the HTML files from my PC. I had to upload the file to my website every time I changed it to actually see these changes and how they affected the plot. This may be something related to my PC, however.

Density of Crimes in raster format
As you may remember from the previous post, one of the steps included in a point pattern analysis is the computation of the spatial density of the events. One of the techniques to do that is the kernel density, which basically calculates the density continuously across the study area, thus creating a raster.
We already looked at the kernel density in the previous post so I will not go into details here, the code for computing the density and transform it into a raster is the following:

Density <- density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = 500,edge=T,W=as.mask(window,eps=c(100,100)))
Density.raster <- raster(Density)

The first lines is basically the same we used in the previous post. The only difference is that here I added the option W to set the resolution of the map with eps at 100x100 m.
Then I simply transformed the first object into a raster and assign to it the same UTM projection of the object GreaterLondonUTM.
Now we can create the map. As far as I know (and for what I tested) leafletR is not yet able to plot raster objects, so the only way we have of doing it is again to use the function plotGoogleMaps:

plotGoogleMaps(Density.raster,filename="Crimes_Density.html",layerName="Number of Crimes", fillOpacity=0.4,strokeWeight=0,colPalette=rev(heat.colors(10)))

When we use this function to plot a raster we clearly do not need to specify the zcol option. Moreover, here I changed the default color scale using the function colPalette to a reverse heat.colors, which I think is more appropriate for such a map. The result is the map below and at this link: Crime Density

Density of Crimes as contour lines
The raster presented above can also be represented as contour lines. The advantage of this type of visualization is that it is less intrusive, compared to a raster, and can also be better suited to pinpoint problematic locations.
Doing this in R is extremely simple, since there is a dedicated function in the package raster:

Contour <- rasterToContour(Density.raster,maxpixels=100000,nlevels=10)

This function transforms the raster above into a series of 10 contour lines (we can change the number of lines by changing the option nlevels).

Now we can plot these lines to an interactive web map. I first tested again the use of plotGoogleMaps but I was surprised to see that for contour lines it does not seem to do a good job. I do not fully know the reason, but if I use the object Contour with this function it does not plot all the lines on the Google map and therefore the visualization is useless.
For this reason I will present below the lines to plot contour lines using leafletR:

Contour.Leaflet <- toGeoJSON(Contour)
colour.scale <- color.scale(1:(length(Contour$level)-1),color.spec="rgb",extremes=c("red","blue")) <- styleGrad(pro="level",breaks=Contour$level,style.val=colour.scale,leg="Number of Crimes", lwd=2)

As mentioned, the first thing to do to use leafletR is to transform our Spatial object into a GeoJSON; the object Contour belongs to the class SpatialLinesDataFrame, so it is supported in the function toGeoJSON.
The next step is again to set the style of the map and then plot it. In this code I changed a few things just to show some more options. The first thing is the custom color scale I created using the function color.scale in the package plotrix. The only thing that the function styleGrad needs to set the colors in the option style.val is a vector of colors, which must be long one unit less than the vector used for the breaks. In this case the object Contour has only one property, namely "level", which is a vector of class factor. The function styleGrad can use it to create the breaks but the function color.scale cannot use it to create the list of colors. We can work around this problem by setting the length of the color.scale vector using another vector: 1:(length(Contour$level)-1, which basically creates a vector of integers from 1 to the length of Contours minus one. The result of this function is a vector of colors ranging from red to blue, which we can plug in in the following function.
In the function leaflet the only thing I changed is the option, in which I use "tls". From the help page of the function we can see that the following options are available:

"One or a list of "osm" (OpenStreetMap standard map), "tls" (Thunderforest Landscape), "mqosm" (MapQuest OSM), "mqsat" (MapQuest Open Aerial),"water" (Stamen Watercolor), "toner" (Stamen Toner), "tonerbg" (Stamen Toner background), "tonerlite" (Stamen Toner lite), "positron" (CartoDB Positron) or "darkmatter" (CartoDB Dark matter). "

These lines create the following image, available as a webpage here: Contour

R code snippets created by Pretty R at

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Introductory Point Pattern Analysis of Open Crime Data in London

Police in Britain ( not only register every single crime they encounter, and include coordinates, but also distribute their data free on the web.
They have two ways of distributing data: the first is through an API, which is extremely easy to use but returns only a limited number of crimes for each request, the second is a good old manual download from this page Again this page is extremely easy to use, they did a very good job in securing that people can access and work with these data; we can just select the time range and the police force from a certain area, and then wait for the system to create the dataset for us. I downloaded data from all forces for May and June 2014 and it took less than 5 minutes to prepare them for download.
These data are distributed under the Open Government Licence, which allows me to do basically whatever I want with them (even commercially) as long as I cite the origin and the license.

Data Preparation
For completing this experiment we would need the following packages: sp, raster, spatstatmaptools and plotrix.
As I mentioned above, I downloaded all the crime data from the months of May and June 2014 for the whole Britain. Then I decided to focus on the Greater London region, since here the most crimes are committed and therefore the analysis should be more interesting (while I am writing this part I have not yet finished the whole thing so I may be wrong). Since the Open Government License allows me to distribute the data, I uploaded them to my website so that you can easily replicate this experiment.
The dataset provided by the British Police is in csv format, so to load it we just need to use the read.csv function:

data <- read.csv("")

We can look at the structure of the dataset simply by using the function str:

> str(data)
'data.frame':   79832 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ Crime.ID             : Factor w/ 55285 levels "","0000782cea7b25267bfc4d22969498040d991059de4ebc40385be66e3ecc3c73",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2926 28741 19664 45219 21769 ...
 $ Month                : Factor w/ 1 level "2014-05": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $          : Factor w/ 1 level "Metropolitan Police Service": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Falls.within         : Factor w/ 1 level "Metropolitan Police Service": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Longitude            : num  0.141 0.137 0.14 0.136 0.135 ...
 $ Latitude             : num  51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 51.6 ...
 $ Location             : Factor w/ 20462 levels "No Location",..: 15099 14596 1503 1919 12357 1503 8855 14060 8855 8855 ...
 $ LSOA.code            : Factor w/ 4864 levels "","E01000002",..: 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ...
 $            : Factor w/ 4864 levels "","Barking and Dagenham 001A",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ Crime.type           : Factor w/ 14 levels "Anti-social behaviour",..: 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 7 7 ...
 $ Last.outcome.category: Factor w/ 23 levels "","Awaiting court outcome",..: 1 1 1 1 1 21 8 21 8 8 ...
 $ Context              : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

This dataset provides a series of useful information regarding the crime: its locations (longitude and latitude in degrees), the address (if available), the type of crime and the court outcome (if available). For the purpose of this experiment we would only need to look at the coordinates and the type of crime.
For some incidents the coordinates are not provided, therefore before we can proceed we need to remove NAs from data:

data <- data[!$Longitude)&!$Latitude),]

This eliminates 870 entries from the file, thus data now has 78'962 rows.

Point Pattern Analysis
A point process is a stochastic process for which we observe its results, or events, only in a specific region, which is the area under study, or simply window. The location of the events is a point pattern (Bivand et al., 2008).
In R the package for Point Pattern Analysis is spatstat, which works with its own format (i.e. ppp). There are ways to transform a data.frame into a ppp object, however in this case we have a problem. The crime dataset contains lots of duplicated locations. We can check this by first transform data into a SpatialObject and then use the function zerodist to check for duplicated locations:

> coordinates(data)=~Longitude+Latitude
> zero <- zerodist(data)
> length(unique(zero[,1]))
[1] 47920

If we check the amount of duplicates we see that more than half the reported crimes are duplicated somehow. I checked some individual cases to see if I could spot a pattern but it is not possible. Sometime we have duplicates with the same crime, probably because more than one person was involved; in other cases we have two different crimes for the same locations, maybe because the crime belongs to several categories. Whatever the case the presence of duplicates creates a problem, because the package spatstat does not allow them. In R the function remove.duplicates is able to get rid of duplicates, however in this case I am not sure we can use it because we will be removing crimes for which we do not have enough information to assess whether they may in fact be removed.

So we need to find ways to work around the problem.
This sort of problems are often encountered when working with real datasets, but are mostly not referenced in textbook, only experience and common sense helps us in these situations.

There is also another potential issue with this dataset. Even though the large majority of crimes are reported for London, some of them (n=660) are also located in other areas. Since these crimes are a small fraction of the total I do not think it makes much sense to include them in the analysis, so we need to remove them. To do so we need to import a shapefile with the borders of the Greater London region. Natural Earth provides this sort of data, since it distributes shapefiles at various resolution. For this analysis we would need the following dataset: Admin 1 – States, Provinces

To download it and import it in R we can use the following lines:

border <- shapefile("NaturalEarth/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp")

These lines download the shapefile in a compressed archive (.zip), then uncompress it in a new folder named NaturalEarth in the working directory and then open it.

To extract only the border of the Greater London regions we can simply subset the SpatialPolygons object as follows:

GreaterLondon <- border[paste(border$region)=="Greater London",]

Now we need to overlay it with crime data and then eliminate all the points that do not belong to the Greater London region. To do that we can use the following code:

overlay <- over(data,GreaterLondon)
data$over <- overlay$OBJECTID_1
data.London <- data[!$over),]

The first line assigns to the object data the same projection as the object border, we can do this safely because we know that the crime dataset is in geographical coordinates (WGS84), the same as border.
Then we can use the function over to overlay the two objects. At this point we need a way to extract from data only the points that belong to the Greater London region, to do that we can create a new column and assign to it the values of the overlay object (here the column of the overlay object does not really matter, since we only need it to identify locations where this has some data in it). In locations where the data are outside the area defined by border the new column will have values of NA, so we can use this information to extract the locations we need with the last line.

We can create a very simple plot of the final dataset and save it in a jpeg using the following code:


This creates the image below:

Now that we have a dataset of crimes only for Greater London we can start our analysis.

Descriptive Statistics
The focus of a point pattern analysis is firstly to examine the spatial distribution of the events, and secondly making inferences about the process that generated the point pattern. Thus the first step in every point pattern analysis, as in every statistical and geostatistical analysis, is describe the dataset in hands with some descriptive indexes. In statistics we normally use mean and standard deviation to achieve this, however here we are working in 2D space, so things are slightly more complicated. For example instead of computing the mean we compute the mean centre, which is basically the point identified by the mean value of longitude and the mean value of latitude:

Using the same principle we can compute the standard deviation of longitude and latitude, and the standard distance, which measures the standard deviation of the distance of each point from the mean centre. This is important because it gives a measure of spread in the 2D space, and can be computed with the following equation from Wu (2006):

In R we can calculate all these indexes with the following simple code:

mean_centerX <- mean(data.London@coords[,1])
mean_centerY <- mean(data.London@coords[,2])
standard_deviationX <- sd(data.London@coords[,1])
standard_deviationY <- sd(data.London@coords[,2])
standard_distance <- sqrt(sum(((data.London@coords[,1]-mean_centerX)^2+(data.London@coords[,2]-mean_centerY)^2))/(nrow(data.London)))

We can use the standard distance to have a visual feeling of the spread of our data around their mean centre. We can use the function in the package plotrix to do that:


which returns the following image:

The problem with the standard distance is that it averages the standard deviation of the distances for both coordinates, so it does not take into account possible differences between the two dimensions. We can take those into account by plotting an ellipse, instead of a circle, with the two axis equal to the standard deviations of longitude and latitude. We can use again the package plotrix, but with the function draw.ellipse to do the job:


This returns the following image:

Working with spatstat
Let's now look at the details of the package spatstat. As I mentioned we cannot use this if we have duplicated points, so we first need to eliminate them. In my opinion we cannot just remove them because we are not sure about their cause. However, we can subset the dataset by type of crime and then remove duplicates from it. In that case the duplicated points are most probably multiple individuals caught for the same crime, and if we delete those it will not change the results of the analysis.
I decided to focus on drug related crime, since they are not as common as other and therefore I can better present the steps of the analysis. We can subset the data and remove duplicates as follows:

Drugs <- data.London[data.London$Crime.type==unique(data.London$Crime.type)[3],]
Drugs <- remove.duplicates(Drugs)

we obtain a dataset with 2745 events all over Greater London.
A point pattern is defined as a series of events in a given area, or window, of observation. It is therefore extremely important to precisely define this window. In spatstat the function owin is used to set the observation window. However, the standard function takes the coordinates of a rectangle or of a polygon from a matrix, and therefore it may be a bit tricky to use. Luckily the package maptools provides a way to transform a SpatialPolygons into an object of class owin, using the function as.owin (Note: a function with the same name is also available in spatstat but it does not work with SpatialPolygons, so be sure to load maptools):

window <- as.owin(GreaterLondon)

Now we can use the function ppp, in spatstat, to create the point pattern object:

Drugs.ppp <- ppp(x=Drugs@coords[,1],y=Drugs@coords[,2],window=window)

Intensity and Density
A crucial information we need when we deal with point patterns is a quantitative definition of the spatial distribution, i.e. how many events we have in a predefined window. The index to define this is the Intensity, which is the average number of events per unit area.
In this example we cannot calculate the intensity straight away, because the we are dealing with degrees and therefore we would end up dividing the number of crimes (n=2745) by the total area of Greater London, which in degrees in 0.2. It would make much more sense to transform all of our data in UTM and then calculate the number of crime per square meter. We can transform any spatial object in a different coordinate system using the function spTransform, in package sp:

GreaterLondonUTM <- spTransform(GreaterLondon,CRS("+init=epsg:32630"))

We just need to define the CRS of the new coordinate system, which can be found here:

Now we can compute the intensity as follows:

Drugs.ppp$n/sum(sapply(slot(GreaterLondonUTM, "polygons"), slot, "area"))

The numerator is the number of point in the ppp object; while the denominator is the sum of the areas of all polygons (this function was copied from here: r-sig-geo). For drug related crime the average intensity is 1.71x10^-6 per square meter, in the Greater London area.

Intensity may be constant across the study window, in that case in every square meter we would find the same number of points, and the process would be uniform of homogeneous. Most often the intensity is not constant and varies spatially throughout the study window, in that case the process is inhomogeneous. For inhomogeneous processes we need a way to determine the amount of spatial variation of the intensity. There are several ways of dealing with this problem, one example is quadrat counting, where the area is divided into rectangles and the number of events in each of them is counted:

plot(quadratcount(Drugs.ppp, nx = 4, ny = 4),add=T,col="blue")

which divides the area in 8 rectangles and then counts the number of events in each of them:

This function is good for certain datasets, but in this case it does not really make sense to use quadrat counting, since the areas it creates do not have any meaning in reality. It would be far more valuable to extract the number of crimes by Borough for example. To do this we need to use a loop and iterate through the polygons:

Local.Intensity <- data.frame(Borough=factor(),Number=numeric())
for(i in unique(GreaterLondonUTM$name)){
sub.pol <- GreaterLondonUTM[GreaterLondonUTM$name==i,]
sub.ppp <- ppp(x=Drugs.ppp$x,y=Drugs.ppp$y,window=as.owin(sub.pol))
Local.Intensity <- rbind(Local.Intensity,data.frame(Borough=factor(i,levels=GreaterLondonUTM$name),Number=sub.ppp$n))

We can take a look at the results in a barplot with the following code:

colorScale <- color.scale(Local.Intensity[order(Local.Intensity[,2]),2],color.spec="rgb",extremes=c("green","red"),alpha=0.8)

which returns the image below:

Another way in which we can determine the spatial distribution of the intensity is by using kernel smoothing (Diggle, 1985; Berman and Diggle, 1989; Bivand et. al., 2008). Such method computes the intensity continuously across the study area. To perform this analysis in R we need to define the bandwidth of the density estimation, which basically determines the area of influence of the estimation. There is no general rule to determine the correct bandwidth; generally speaking if h is too small the estimate is too noisy, while if h is too high the estimate may miss crucial elements of the point pattern due to oversmoothing (Scott, 2009). In spatstat the functions bw.digglebw.ppl, and bw.scott can be used to estimate the bandwidth according to difference methods. We can test how they work with our dataset using the following code:

plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.diggle(Drugs.ppp),edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.diggle(Drugs.ppp),2)))
plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.ppl(Drugs.ppp),edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.ppl(Drugs.ppp),2)))
plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[2],edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[2],2)))
plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[1],edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[1],2)))

which generates the following image, from which it is clear that every method works very differently:

As you can see a low value of bandwidth produces a very detailed plot, while increasing this value creates a very smooth surface where the local details are lost. This is basically an heat map of the crimes in London, therefore we need to be very careful in choosing the right bandwidth since these images if shown alone may have very different impact particularly on people not familiar with the matter. The first image may create the illusion that the crimes are clustered in very small areas, while the last may provide the opposite feeling.

Complete spatial randomness
Assessing if a point pattern is random is a crucial step of the analysis. If we determine that the pattern is random it means that each point is independent from each other and from any other factor. Complete spatial randomness implies that events from the point process are equally as likely to occur in every regions of the study window. In other words, the location of one point does not affect the probability of another being observed nearby, each point is therefore completely independent from the others (Bivand et al., 2008).
If a point pattern is not random it can be classified in two other ways: clustered or regular. Clustered means that there are areas where the number of events is higher than average, regular means that basically each subarea has the same number of events. Below is an image that should better explain the differences between these distributions:

In spatstat we can determine which distribution our data have using the G function, which computes the distribution of the distances between each event and its nearest neighbour (Bivand et al., 2008). Based on the curve generated by the G function we can determine the distribution of our data. I will not explain here the details on how to compute the G function and its precise meaning, for that you need to look at the references. However, just by looking at the plots we can easily determine the distribution of our data.
Let's take a look at the image below to clarify things:

These are the curves generated by the G function for each distribution. The blue line is the G function computed for a complete spatial random point pattern, so in the first case since the data more or less follow the blue line the process is random. In the second case the line calculated from the data is above the blue line, this indicates a clustered distribution. On the contrary, if the line generated from the data is below the blue line the point pattern is regular.
We can compute the plot this function for our data simply using the following lines:

plot(Gest(Drugs.ppp),main="Drug Related Crimes")

which generates the following image:

From this image is clear that the process is clustered. We could have deduced it by looking at the previous plots, since it is clear that there are areas where more crimes are committed; however, with this method we have a quantitative way of support our hypothesis.

In this experiment we performed some basic Point Pattern analysis on open crime data. The only conclusion we reached in this experiment is that the data are clearly clustered in certain areas and boroughs. However, at this point we are not able to determine the origin and the causes of these clusters.

Bivand, R. S., Pebesma, E. J., & Gómez-Rubio, V. (2008). Applied spatial data analysis with R (Vol. 747248717). New York: Springer.

Wu, C. (2006). Intermediate Geographic Information Science – Point Pattern Analysis. Department of Geography, The University of Winsconsin-Milwaukee. - Last accessed: 28.01.2015

Berman, M. and Diggle, P. J. (1989). Estimating weighted integrals of the second-order intensity of a spatial point process. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 51:81–92. [184, 185]

Diggle, P. J. (1985). A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Applied Statistics, 34:138–147. [184, 185]

Scott, D. W. (2009). Multivariate density estimation: theory, practice, and visualization (Vol. 383). John Wiley & Sons.

R code snippets created by Pretty R at

The full script for this experiment is available below:

 data <- read.csv("")  
 data <- data[!$Longitude)&!$Latitude),]  
 zero <- zerodist(data)  
 #Loading Natural Earth Provinces dataset to define window for Point Pattern Analysis  
 border <- shapefile("NaturalEarth/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces.shp")  
 GreaterLondon <- border[paste(border$region)=="Greater London",]  
 #Extract crimes in London  
 overlay <- over(data,GreaterLondon)  
 data$over <- overlay$OBJECTID_1  
 data.London <- data[!$over),]  
 #Simple Plot  
 #Summary statistics for point patterns  
 #The coordinates of the mean center are simply the mean value of X and Y  
 #therefore we can use the function mean() to determine their value  
 mean_centerX <- mean(data.London@coords[,1])  
 mean_centerY <- mean(data.London@coords[,2])  
 #Similarly we can use the function sd() to determine the standard deviation of X and Y  
 standard_deviationX <- sd(data.London@coords[,1])  
 standard_deviationY <- sd(data.London@coords[,2])  
 #This is the formula to compute the standard distance  
 standard_distance <- sqrt(sum(((data.London@coords[,1]-mean_centerX)^2+(data.London@coords[,2]-mean_centerY)^2))/(nrow(data.London)))  
 #Working with spatstat  
 Drugs <- data.London[data.London$Crime.type==unique(data.London$Crime.type)[3],]  
 Drugs <- remove.duplicates(Drugs)  
 #Transform GreaterLondon in UTM  
 GreaterLondonUTM <- spTransform(GreaterLondon,CRS("+init=epsg:32630"))  
 Drugs.UTM <- spTransform(Drugs,CRS("+init=epsg:32630"))  
 #Transforming the SpatialPolygons object into an owin object for spatstat, using a function in maptools  
 window <- as.owin(GreaterLondonUTM)  
 #Now we can extract one crime and   
 Drugs.ppp <- ppp(x=Drugs.UTM@coords[,1],y=Drugs.UTM@coords[,2],window=window)  
 #Calculate Intensity  
 Drugs.ppp$n/sum(sapply(slot(GreaterLondonUTM, "polygons"), slot, "area"))  
 #Alternative approach  
 #Quadrat counting Intensity  
 plot(quadratcount(Drugs.ppp, nx = 4, ny = 4),add=T,col="red")  
 #Intensity by Borough  
 Local.Intensity <- data.frame(Borough=factor(),Number=numeric())  
 for(i in unique(GreaterLondonUTM$name)){  
 sub.pol <- GreaterLondonUTM[GreaterLondonUTM$name==i,]  
 sub.ppp <- ppp(x=Drugs.ppp$x,y=Drugs.ppp$y,window=as.owin(sub.pol))  
 Local.Intensity <- rbind(Local.Intensity,data.frame(Borough=factor(i,levels=GreaterLondonUTM$name),Number=sub.ppp$n))  
 colorScale <- color.scale(Local.Intensity[order(Local.Intensity[,2]),2],color.spec="rgb",extremes=c("green","red"),alpha=0.8)  
 #Kernel Density (from: Baddeley, A. 2008. Analysing spatial point patterns in R)   
 #Optimal values of bandwidth  
 plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.diggle(Drugs.ppp),edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.diggle(Drugs.ppp),2)))  
 plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.ppl(Drugs.ppp),edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.ppl(Drugs.ppp),2)))  
 plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[2],edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[2],2)))  
 plot(density.ppp(Drugs.ppp, sigma = bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[1],edge=T),main=paste("h =",round(bw.scott(Drugs.ppp)[1],2)))  
 #G Function  
 plot(Gest(Drugs.ppp),main="Drug Related Crimes")